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Why you REALLY shouldn’t hire a full-time designer in 2024!

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the need for high-quality design has never been more critical. But before you start drafting that job posting for a full time designer, let’s talk about why that might be as outdated as using Comic Sans unironically. Spoiler alert: there’s a smarter, more flexible solution that won’t make your accountant break out in hives. Let’s dive in!

Full-Time Designers Come with Hidden Price Tags

When considering hiring a full time designer, many businesses focus solely on the salary. But surprise! The true cost is like an iceberg – there’s a lot more lurking beneath the surface.

The Salary is Just the Beginning

Hiring a full-time designer involves more than just paying a salary. You’ll need to factor in additional expenses such as:

  • Health insurance and other benefits (because designers need to stay healthy to fight off the RSI gremlins)
  • Office space and utilities (unless you’re okay with them working from a coffee shop 24/7)
  • Equipment (high-performance computers, software licenses, and enough caffeine to fuel a small country)
  • Paid time off and sick leave (because even designers need to escape your “genius” ideas occasionally)

So, you may ask yourself… what is the highest paid designer and do designers get paid a lot? Well… surprise surprise… designers are one of the highest paid jobs, easily costing $80,000 per year.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, benefits alone can add up to 30% of an employee’s total compensation package. For a designer earning $80,000 annually, that’s an extra $24,000 in hidden costs. Ouchhh!

Training Costs Never End

The design world moves faster than a caffeinated cheetah. Keeping your full time designer up-to-date requires ongoing investment in:

  • Professional development courses (because Lynda.com subscriptions don’t pay for themselves)
  • Conference attendance (where they’ll learn about the next big thing that’ll be obsolete in six months)
  • Software upgrades (because apparently, Adobe needs more yachts)

These training costs can easily add thousands of dollars to your annual expenses. In contrast, a design subscription service like UI Rocket ensures you always have access to designers with cutting-edge skills without the additional training burden. It’s like having a team of design superheroes, minus the spandex.

Adapt or Die – Flexibility is the New Design Currency

In today’s business environment, adaptability is key. The ability to scale your design resources up or down quickly can make the difference between thriving and merely surviving (or ending up in the digital equivalent of the Jurassic era).

Scale Up, Scale Down, No Sweat

With a full-time designer, you’re locked into a fixed resource regardless of your workload. It’s like buying a tank for your daily commute – overkill on most days, but still not enough when you really need it.

UI Rocket’s design subscription service allows you to easily adjust your design resources based on demand. Need extra hands for a big project? No problem. Facing a slow month? Simply scale back without the guilt or complications of layoffs. It’s like having a magical design department that expands and contracts at will. Elon Musk would be proud.

Hit Pause Without the Guilt

One of the most challenging aspects of managing full-time staff is handling periods of low demand. With UI Rocket, you can pause your subscription when you don’t need design work, without the emotional and financial toll of layoffs or the hassle of rehiring when business picks up again. It’s like putting your design needs in cryosleep, minus the sci-fi drama.

Jack of All Trades? Master of None

In today’s complex design landscape, it’s nearly impossible for one designer to excel in all areas of modern design. Unless you’ve found the Leonardo da Vinci of the digital age, in which case, can we borrow them?

Why Settle for One When You Can Have a Team?

When you hire a full-time designer, you’re limited to that individual’s skill set. With UI Rocket’s design subscription service, you gain access to a diverse team of specialists. It’s like having the Avengers of design at your disposal, minus the property damage.

From UI/UX to Copywriting – We’ve Got You Covered

UI Rocket offers a comprehensive range of services that go beyond traditional design. Our team can handle everything from UI/UX design to copywriting, ensuring all aspects of your project are cohesive and professional. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife, but for design (and considerably less likely to get confiscated at airport security).

Unlimited Requests Break the Time-Money Shackles

One of the most significant advantages of a design subscription service over hiring a full-time designer is the ability to submit unlimited requests. This model provides unparalleled value and efficiency, allowing you to tackle multiple projects simultaneously without increasing your costs. It’s like an all-you-can-eat buffet for design, but without the post-binge regret.

Lightning Fast, Ridiculously Good

Some might worry that opting for a design subscription service means sacrificing quality for speed. At UI Rocket, we prove that you can have both. We’re like the Usain Bolt of design – fast and top of our game.

Speed Doesn’t Mean Sloppy

Our team of experienced designers can deliver quick results without compromising on quality. We’ve streamlined our processes to ensure efficiency without cutting corners. It’s like fast food, but for design, and actually good for you.

Quality at the Speed of Business

In today’s fast-paced business world, waiting weeks for design updates isn’t an option. UI Rocket delivers high-quality design work that keeps pace with your business needs, typically within 48 hours. We’re faster than a New York minute, but with a lot more pixel-perfect results.

Subscriptions: Your Financial Secret Weapon

Opting for a design subscription service like UI Rocket isn’t just about flexibility; it’s a smart financial decision.

Predictable Costs, Unpredictable Value

With a full-time designer, your costs are fixed, but the value you receive can vary. UI Rocket’s flat-rate pricing offers budget certainty while delivering exceptional value through unlimited requests and revisions.

Say Goodbye to HR Headaches

Hiring and managing a full-time designer comes with a host of HR-related tasks and costs. By choosing a design subscription service, you eliminate these headaches, allowing you to focus on your core business.

Always Cutting-Edge, Never Outdated

Keeping up with the latest design trends and technologies is crucial for staying competitive. UI Rocket invests heavily in ongoing training and development, ensuring our clients always benefit from cutting-edge design practices.

Focus on What You Do Best, We’ll Handle the Rest

Perhaps the most compelling reason to choose a design subscription service over hiring a full-time designer is the ability to focus on your core competencies.

Your Business is Your Business

By outsourcing your design needs to UI Rocket, you free up valuable time and resources to concentrate on what you do best – running and growing your business.

Design Shouldn’t Be a Distraction

High-quality design should enhance your business operations, not hinder them. With us, you get top-tier design and development support without the distractions of managing an in-house design team.


While hiring a full-time designer might seem like the traditional choice, it’s clear that in 2024, a design subscription service offers numerous advantages. From cost savings and flexibility to access to a diverse team of experts, UI Rocket provides a modern solution to your design needs. Don’t let outdated hiring practices hold your business back. Embrace the future of design with UI Rocket’s subscription service and watch your business soar to new heights. After all, why settle for a solo act when you can have the whole design orchestra?

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